Sunday, October 13, 2013

One Chapter Ends...

If I were writing my life as a novel, I would just now be at the end of a chapter, with a cliff-hanger to keep you reading.  Only problem... I have no idea how the next chapter starts!

Last week the people of The Loop (church) came to the conclusion that it's time to connect our current group to another church, and at the end of this year formally stop "The Loop."  This decision came after a summer of prayer, looking for God's new invitations, expecting to see new opportunities... and instead, finding that God seemed to be closing things down.  This "chapter" of ministry life seemed to clearly be winding down, and to keep pushing would have been wrong.

Am I sad?  Of course.  Any time you have hopes and dreams that don't come about the way you hope, there is some grieving.  Am I discouraged?  No.  A number of people have become followers of Jesus, and have learned what it means to listen to God and do what He says (even if it means closing down).  In addition, I've learned a ton.  I still believe that God has called me to be a missional explorer (see the blog from July 31).  I still believe that the promises God has made will come about.  Just not right now.

And so... WHAT will I spend my time on in the coming new year?  Different ministry opportunities? Secular employment?  More writing?  That's the new chapter... and I have no idea what it contains... except a God who guides, and leads, and laughs, and loves, and sustains.  I'm looking forward to the ride.

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