Thursday, September 13, 2012

10 years...

10 years ago today, my husband and I went on our first date.  For me, it was something of an experiment.  I wondered if going out on a date with someone who was a good friend would end up feeling... like I was dating my brother.

Obviously it didn't.  In fact, after our 10 hour date (we ended up driving all the way to Duluth to have dinner... long story...), we realized we'd talked all the way and had a great time.

We still are having a great time.  I'm really glad that "experiment" worked!

When I look at the "experiment" of The Loop, I continue to trust that in the not-too-distant-future, I'm going to know that this experiment is "working."  Tonight we have our first "apprenticeship huddle."  This is with people who have agreed to become apprentices of Jesus so that they can train others to become apprentices of Jesus so that they can... (you get the idea).

I feel like I'm back on the road to Duluth, going there for dinner.  A bit crazy, I know... but fun all the same.

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