Thursday, August 30, 2012

Someone ahead

We've been on this God-adventure quite awhile... this journey of doing church differently.  Up until now, I've been putting one step in front of the other, having a clear sense of where we were supposed to head, but not having a clear idea of how to get there.  When people would ask what "model" of church we were using, I'd stammer.  Some would assume they knew.  "Oh, you're an organic church" or 
"Oh, you're doing a house church."  Sort of, but no.  Not really.

But even without anyone to help us who had been down this road before, we kept going.  I had a clear enough sense that this was what God wanted us to do, that I knew I couldn't quit.  But (as I mentioned in the last post) just this spring I found some people who not only "get" what we're doing, but have been doing it for years.  They've learned a lot along the way.

This is huge.  It's the difference between trying to get to a city without a map or gps, but know that it's "north"... and having someone or something give you specific directions.  I still haven't gotten anyone to coach me... but I have been reading everything from them that I can get my hands on.  

We're on the road again, folks.  And this time, we've got someone to give us directions...

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