To my pastors....
You are an amazing group.
This week I have watched as you have
shifted gears
shared ideas
looked outward
stayed focused
trusted the Lord.
You have carried the anxiety of others, bringing peace and calm, while wrestling with your own fears (Will we have enough volunteers to care for those who need it? Am I making the right call for when and how to meet? Am I doing enough? The right things? How can we hold a funeral - and bring comfort to a family - when we cannot gather in groups? Will we have enough to care for others? Pay the bills? Will I remain healthy enough to minister? What does all this mean long-term for our church? My family? My call?)
Ministry is not for the faint hearted.
This week I am watching you be brave.
And now, my friends, fellow pastors, co-laborers...
Please remember that you are “front line workers.”
The media won’t recognize it.
Your church may not recognize it.
But spiritually speaking?
You are on that front line.
Moving the Body of Christ forward.
Taking the hits.
And continuing on.
Make sure your armor is on...
Belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the Spirit / Word of God, Shield of faith (linked with others), helmet of salvation... and those good news shoes that keep us running.
Make sure you stay in close connection with the Lord.
Make sure you stay in close connection with the Lord.
AND... remember that the Lord invites us
to Sabbath.
To rest.
Yes, that includes you.
You— and I - will make mistakes during this time.
Of course we will!
We are in uncharted territory...
and finding our way in uncharted territory
will mean getting lost plenty of times before we find our way.
But expect - and laugh - at the mistakes.
Give yourself the grace you’d give others...
the grace that the Lord extends to all.
Breathe deep.
Remind yourself that we are on a new path.
Listen to the Spirit to guide and direct.
Say “no” to things as well as “yes.”
Speak up when you need help.
We’re here for each other.
Thankfully, we don’t journey alone.
Praying with and for you.
Always with Hope,
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