Thursday, June 29, 2017

What a Year!

A year ago today, I blogged... and I haven't blogged since!

It's been quite a year. We've been busy. If you are wondering how the past year has been, get a cup of coffee and put your feet up. Catching up on a year may take more time than normal!

A year ago we were packing to move from the midwest (where Marshal had lived his whole life, and where I'd spent 30 years) to upstate New York. Marsh was quitting his job and I was accepting a new call to be the superintendent (overseer) of 58 churches. The move itself was in many parts... three trips from Minnesota to New York in July and August for my husband and daughter, bringing a truck load of stuff each time. Things were moved by a group of new friends into storage (actually a facility owned by another new and generous friend) until we finally purchased a house in November. Then it was time to move all of our stuff again. In the in-between we lived with other new and generous friends.

We'd hoped to find a house that was "move-in ready." Instead, we ended up in a house with room after room of wallpaper that we're sure was put on with epoxy, a wall needing to be removed, stairs that needed rerouting. It took until early May for us to get the major work done. (I say "us"... there was very little "us"... it was Marsh with the help of his brother Rick!).  Three weeks ago I took the week off so we could get fully unpacked. We still have to hang pictures, but finally... it feels like home.

While all this was going on, I was getting into the swing of things with my new job, traveling all over the region, meeting pastors, visiting churches, assessing what needed and still needs to be done. As often as possible, Marsh goes with me (and usually does the driving). Within the "Genesis Conference" (the group of churches I oversee) it was a year of re-defining our regional structures, to bring clarity and the best connection to pastors and churches. (If you want to hear more about my year, and you have a free hour, the message that I gave at our annual gathering a few weeks ago is available online: under the "events" tab and then under "AC17").

In addition to all this, I've continued working on my doctorate.

Do you see why I didn't have time to blog?!?!?!!!!

But now... I have a rare moment to be able to reflect, to look back on one of the most crazy years of my life.  What do I see?

I see the hand of God.

I see it in His provision each step of the way... our MN house quickly selling so that Marsh could be out here with me. The friends to help pack and unpack (and then do it again). A place to stay. A home that - while it did need some work - is perfect for our needs. (It's 15 minutes from our college campus, and our new Conference office. It's in the country -- which Marsh loves). We have great new neighbors. ("People of Peace" for those of you who know that term).

I see it in the connections I am making with people here... networking and connecting people in  "God-is-in-this" ways.

I see it in the way He has been preparing me for this role. How pieces of my life which I thought had no use any longer are being dredged up and used in unexpected ways.

I see it in how He directed me into the doctoral program. While it's been CRAZY to squeeze all that learning in this year... both the information and the people in the program have been so important to my soul.

I see it in simple things... we left our beloved perennial garden in MN, but the house we bought has gardens even more beautiful (and, since we bought in November, we bought it without fully knowing the extent of the gardens!)

Although we miss our friends in Minnesota, we know we're in the right place. It's now home (okay... it's home for Pam. Marsh is still working on it. As he says "60 years is a long time to live in once place and not have it be home!"). But for both of us, ultimately "home" is where the Lord takes us.

So... Home Sweet Home.

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