Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Kingdom of God is like... A viral video.

As we toured Israel, walking where Jesus walked, I was again struck by how much PLACE impacted the teaching of Jesus.  On the Sea of Galilee, he talks about fishing for people.  With a view of the Herodian (Herod's fortress that Herod built by literally "moving a mountain") Jesus talks about faith moving mountains (in contrast, it would seem, to the political might of the day).  Sitting on the stairs of the Temple Mount, with a view across the Kidron Valley and all of the white tombs that sit on the hill of the Mount of Olives, Jesus says the Pharisees are white-washed tombs.  (See photo).  It makes me wonder... What illustrations would Jesus use today?  Illustrations that people intuitively understand because it's so much a part of life and culture?

Here's a few suggestions:
The Kingdom of God is like... A viral video.
At the NY Stock Exhange:  Come follow  me and I will make you forever investors...
To a group of IT people:  "I am the killer app for all of life..."

What's your ideas?

Below:  the tombs on the mount of olives, which have been there for millennium.  You can see the Temple Mount across the valley.

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