Monday, December 23, 2013

Life In Christmas

Obviously my advent ponderings on "born to die" were interrupted.  For good reason.  Ten days ago my husband had some very delicate surgery on his spine.

The surgery went perfectly.  He's doing incredibly well.  Thank you to those of you who knew and prayed!

And all of this… has caused me to think a whole lot more about life than about death.  They are related, I know.  And certainly a serious surgery makes you think in terms of life and death.  But at this moment, all I can do is be grateful.  Thankful.  Joyful.  For all we have.

Yes, this year has had plenty of "dying."  But I don't really care at the moment.  Why?  Because there is so much LIVING to embrace.

So maybe that's the thing to hold on to in this advent season.  We celebrate the child, who was born to die… SO THAT there would be life.  Abundant life.  Forever life.  Joy-filled life.

When a dream, a church, a part of us dies… there is life ahead.  Should we choose, it can be a richer, deeper, more meaningful life.  For in the season of dying, greater wisdom and strength and joy can be born.  And that wisdom and strength and joy (even in the little things) can be carried with us into the next season.

Merry Christmas everyone.  May you find the LIFE of Jesus in this season.

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