Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Novel Writing... for Lent

You may know that for the past few years I've participated in "National Novel Writing Month" (nanowrimo) in November.  For the first two years I "won" (meaning I completed 50,000 words of a novel within the month).  My first year's novel is "almost" done.  My second year's novel has a long way to go.

This year, I dove into a third novel.  This one was to be different... I had an idea for a novel that I could use as a tool to talk to people about spiritual life and growth.  I was about halfway to my 50,000 word goal, when my mother-in-law's health took a bad turn, ending in her death.  That brought my nanowrimo writing to a screeching halt.

A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about how I've probably been spending too much time on "entertainment" (t.v., smart phone games, pinterest...) and was wondering if and how I should cut back.  When I realized that Lent was approaching (the period before Easter), I thought that perhaps I should cut out entertainment for Lent!

I quickly began to qualify the "cut out" part.  I'd "cut out" entertainment.... unless my husband wanted to watch something.  Or unless it was while I was exercising (after all, wouldn't that motivate me to exercise?).  Or unless... you get the idea.

Then I was reading along in Mark Batterson's The Circle Maker and read this:  "I fasted from all forms of entertainment (for 40 days) to stay focused on my goal (of writing a book!)... I didn't write that book, I prayed that book."

Hmmm.... is God trying to get my attention?

And so, for Lent, I am giving up "entertainment" SO THAT I can "pray" (and write) this third book into being.  Lent will be my "nanowrimo" this year.  Interestingly enough, I'm starting all over again.  The ideas for the book continue to change.

If you are a praying person, pray for this book, will you?

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