Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to Our Story

I confess, it started with envy.  I'd gone to a friend's new church website, and I was jealous of how all the elements of the church - names for the church, small groups, kids ministry, vision statement - fit so nicely together.  

And so I whined to God.  

You see, for the past few years I've been looking for a simple way to explain what we (at The Loop) are doing.  We've tried different vision statements, but none of them were as simple as I'd like.   And I've tried over, and over, to come up with snappy little statements or visuals, but they simply weren't... easy.

That's hard for someone who feels that both words and simplicity are strengths.  Hence, my whining to God.  After I whined, I sat down to try, one more time, to come up with an easy way to explain The Loop.  Once again, it wasn't working.   Until...

I felt God's Spirit whisper something in my ear.  He asked a simple question:  As you meet with people from The Loop, what themes keeping popping up?

Once that question hit my brain, I knew the answer:  THE STORY.  

God's Story.  Our stories interweaving with God's Story.  

Further discussion with our group confirmed what I was feeling.  This is who we are, and what we are called to do:

Invite all to Get in the Loop of God's Endless Love Story, then Live God's Story, Celebrate God's Story, and Share God's Story together.

I'll explain more in days to come...

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